Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Avatar SMS for 5800

want to have emoticons and pictures when sending or receiving sms? now you can with Avatar SMS. install it, and run it!

NEW: Valentine plugin for Avatar SMS. download this and install AFTER you install the above

just select Yes when it asks you "the program will use these functions etc etc". then you can choose to select Yes/No when it asks you to add an event to your calender. then when it asks you whether you want to show this note again, just select No. And next it will ask whether you want to install Avatar SMS Editor. just select Yes. select OK and Continue install. then it will ask you to install Avatar SMS MTM, just select Yes again, OK and Continue. now ur ready!

when you're ready click Go, and just double click on Fitting to change your avatar. select the eyes, hair, shirt etc from the left hand side. then when done, click on Done. It will ask you whether you want to save your avatar, just select Yes, and Yes again and click on Select, and navigate to the folder you want to save your avatar. then select Save. then click on Yes to set as wallpaper or No not to :P. click on Back. then click on the Postbox on the left hand side to send SMS. you can click on the + sign picture to add emoticons :P

NOTE: after you install the valentine plugin, and found that you can't type in any message anymore, just restart your phone!

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